Fidelity - Change of Address

The change of address should have been pretty straightforward, except that at Fidelity each account can have a separate address and people can have seasonal addresses. I created multiple versions trying to show accounts with addresses other than the main address. Usability testing between the top choices showed no real difference in performance or preference, so we made the decision about which decision to implement largely based on which best kept in line with the Fidelity visual design standards.

The second image here shows the Axure menu on the left. To coordinate with product management, development, content strategy, and other stakeholders, I created a "UI single source of truth" that was always the most current place to find any version of the page, including different user types, scenarios, visual design specs, and paths to this page. I gave my team one link to the shared drive at the beginning of the project and continually added and updated to the content at that link, but the link never changed. This "UI single source of truth" worked so well that I've used it in every large project since.